Flash games use certain software from within a web browser to make it work. Its charm remains although larger than life console games are popping out like mushroom. There are still a lot of people who prefer flash games as they are pretty straight-forward and easy to play but still, they can be a hard ball to crack.
Flash games are mostly loved by kids and kids at heart as these young bunch could not be bothered by heavy downloads and complex instructions. It works perfectly well for those who are simply looking to pass the time and doesn’t want to commit to hardcore gaming.
Game cheats have crept its way onto the flash games scene. Some are pretty easy to do while others require a download of a cheat engine. These engines help gamers manipulate the normal values or the default mechanism in a game to gain advantage.
The following are some of the neatest bag of tricks in the flash game scene. As long as you can follow a set of simple instructions, you are well on your way to play like a boss!
A New Tab equals an extra life in Candy Crush
When you are down to your last life in Candy Crush, launching the game in a new tab while keeping the first one open can get you a new lease on Candy Crush life. Should you have unfavorable odds and lose your life in the first tab, go to the next tab and this time, try to do better. Pretty neat huh?
Get More Sun Power in Plants vs. Zombies
Sun is needed in this game to continue growing healthy plants to keep zombies at bay. By default, players get 25 Sun power. You can pretty much change the preloaded value to the number of suns you need to fight those pesky zombies through a cheat engine.
There are several cheat engines available at your disposal in the Interweb but just make sure that you don’t fall for the rotten ones. Just like with all kinds of downloads, tread with caution and make sure that you trust the source.
A Unique Code to unlock Ultimate Flash Sonic Special Items
There is indeed power in numbers; at least it is true for both lottery and the Ultimate Flash Sonic Game. Who would have thought that entering a specific number code can open up an armload of Ultimate Flash Sonic goodies. By entering the code 595313131313131, you get to bring home a goody bag of items that would save you a whole lot of trouble.
Play God with MineCraft’s Command Windows
MineCraft’s availability on PC and across all devices speak volumes of how this game is well-received by gamers. It has one of the biggest communities in the world of gaming. Since this game has a huge fan base, it is not spared from having its own bag of tricks.
Opening a command window in MineCraft can do a lot of tricks one never thought possible. You can open a command window by pressing T while you are in the game. As long as you know the commands, you can continue to play God as you wish.
One of the many neat tricks you can do in MineCraft is the ability to toggle between day and night whenever you want. Nights can be deadly in this game as monsters come out to hunt for food, by typing /time set day onto the command window, you can avoid nights. If you fancy a close encounter with monsters, type /time set night.
These are just some of the neat little bag of tricks that can be done to outwit and outdo other players. It is up to your discretion to use cheats and codes to your advantage. Abusing its use can take all the fun and challenge which are two important elements in a good game, don’t you think so?
The rule of thumb in evading trouble is to do everything in moderation. Even too much of a good thing can bring a plethora of destruction. Extra care should be exercised to things you do in the dark such as turning to game cheats when the going gets tough.
Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
About the Author:
Arthur K. likes writing about Technology, Gaming and Social Media in a lighthearted and comical way. He doesn’t believe in cheating, save for the occasional cheat day.
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