Nokia will be pulling its bunny out of the hat this month by launching its first Android smartphone, the Nokia X which has been known as the Nokia Normandy till now. As per the latest reports, Nokia will officially showcase the Nokia X at the MWC later this month in Barcelona. The device has been in the works for a long time now but the same was getting delayed due to Microsoft acquisition.
The Nokia X will be based on Android KitKat but won't get the support for Play Store. Instead it would feature a UI similar to the Windows Phone operating system (image below) and will have its prime focus on promotion of services on offer by Microsoft and Nokia. This is pretty much the same case as the Kindle devices which are based on Android but lack Google Play Store support.
The only reason why Android devices became popular was because of the wide gamut of applications on offer. But the lack of Play Store support might just be detrimental to its success. On the flipside, there will always be developers and hackers who would find a way around the same. The Nokia X is meant to bridge the gap between the Asha series and the Lumia 520 which is the cheapest Windows Phone 8 device and is responsible for bringing the operating system to masses.
The rumoured specs of the smartphone include a 4-inch display with a 800 x 480 pixels resolution, a quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor clocked at 1.2GHz and an Adreno 203 GPU to go with it. The RAM will be 512 MB and there will be 4GB of internal storage on offer which will be available for expansion via a microSD card. It will come with Dual SIM functionality as well to rival budget handsets.
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