Lava has launched a new mid-end device powered by the MediaTek dual core processor, as usual and it has been named Xolo A500 Club. The word Club refers to the great audio experience that the phone is advertised to provide thanks to dual speakers on the front side.
Many people love the presence of speakers on the front side as it makes it easy to listen to sound when the phone is lying on its back on soft surfaces which would have absorbed some sound if the speakers were placed on the rear side, as we conventionally see. The HTC One received accolades from users for placement of the speakers on that device. This thing, plus the trendy looks of the Xolo A500 Club gives it a premium touch.
In a press release of the A500 Club, Lava disclosed information about the hardware and software front of the smartphone. Talking about software first, Xolo A500 Club will have a Quick Access Toolbar for (supposedly) quicker access to favorite applications. Also included is a float bar which allows the user to get to their media (music and videos) quickly. Xolo A500 also features a Smart Selfie feature which offers automatic face and smile recognition on voice prompt.
Though, we, at, love Vanilla Android experience over everything else, whether these "smart" features makes this phone any smarter than other Android devices is yet to be seen. Moreover, the Quick Access toolbar and Float bar etc. can be obtained on any Android smartphone by using suitable applications from the Play Store.
Many people love the presence of speakers on the front side as it makes it easy to listen to sound when the phone is lying on its back on soft surfaces which would have absorbed some sound if the speakers were placed on the rear side, as we conventionally see. The HTC One received accolades from users for placement of the speakers on that device. This thing, plus the trendy looks of the Xolo A500 Club gives it a premium touch.
In a press release of the A500 Club, Lava disclosed information about the hardware and software front of the smartphone. Talking about software first, Xolo A500 Club will have a Quick Access Toolbar for (supposedly) quicker access to favorite applications. Also included is a float bar which allows the user to get to their media (music and videos) quickly. Xolo A500 also features a Smart Selfie feature which offers automatic face and smile recognition on voice prompt.
Though, we, at, love Vanilla Android experience over everything else, whether these "smart" features makes this phone any smarter than other Android devices is yet to be seen. Moreover, the Quick Access toolbar and Float bar etc. can be obtained on any Android smartphone by using suitable applications from the Play Store.
Xolo Club A500 Specifications
- 4 inch WVGA display (480x800 pixels, 233 ppi)
- IPS Display, OGS Technology (One Glass Solution, allows for thinner glass)
- 1.3 GHz MediaTek Dual Core MT6572 Processor
- 512 MB RAM
- 4 GB Internal memory with support for external micro sd card
- 1400 mAh battery
- Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
- 5 MP Rear camera with flash, VGA Front camera
- 3G, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi, FM Radio
Though almost all these specifications are present in Karbonn A12+ at Rs. 5000, this phone still gets bonus points for the front speakers and the OGS technology.
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