Samsung Galaxy S Duos sprung back into action in the Indian market after its pricing was reduced drastically. Now selling for about INR 9,000, a price it should have originally been launched at, there is a lot of demand for this phone in the market. This explains why the Rooting guide for Galaxy S Duos has been one of the most popular articles here at Droidiser.
Galaxy S Duos runs on an outdated Cortex A5 processor and 768 Megabytes of RAM. To make the condition more miserable for its owners, Samsung never bothered to release any update for this phone, which explains the reason why this phone is still stuck on Android 4.0.4, the Android version that the phone came aboard with at the time of its launch. All these factors collectively cause a user to want to switch to a custom rom. After initially being ignored by the developers, Galaxy S Duos has three popular custom ROMs at present: KyleOpen ROM, PMP Ultra ROM and PMP Light ROM. KyleOpen was the first custom ROM for S Duos. While PMP Ultra and PMP Light came much later, they have gained some good feedback from those who have given these a try.
I am not going to answer the question most of you will be probably asking at this point: Which custom ROM is the best? I leave that question for you to answer. To help you out on the answer, I shall recommend you one thing: Download all three roms. Install them one by one and spend a week on each of them. Then stick to your favorite. All these ROMs will give your phone a refreshed look and will, most probably, impact the performance of your device in a positive way.
Here's how your phone can look after installing any of these three roms!
Do leave feedback about any of these custom rom you install on your Galaxy S Duos. If you face any installation prblem with any of these ROMs, drop a comment and we shall try to help you out.
Only one word of caution for this guide, don’t try these custom roms on any device except Samsung Galaxy S Duos GT S7562.
Galaxy S Duos runs on an outdated Cortex A5 processor and 768 Megabytes of RAM. To make the condition more miserable for its owners, Samsung never bothered to release any update for this phone, which explains the reason why this phone is still stuck on Android 4.0.4, the Android version that the phone came aboard with at the time of its launch. All these factors collectively cause a user to want to switch to a custom rom. After initially being ignored by the developers, Galaxy S Duos has three popular custom ROMs at present: KyleOpen ROM, PMP Ultra ROM and PMP Light ROM. KyleOpen was the first custom ROM for S Duos. While PMP Ultra and PMP Light came much later, they have gained some good feedback from those who have given these a try.
I am not going to answer the question most of you will be probably asking at this point: Which custom ROM is the best? I leave that question for you to answer. To help you out on the answer, I shall recommend you one thing: Download all three roms. Install them one by one and spend a week on each of them. Then stick to your favorite. All these ROMs will give your phone a refreshed look and will, most probably, impact the performance of your device in a positive way.
- KyleOpen ROM
- Download (version 3.4.0) from this link (Google Drive)
- Original Thread
- PMP Ultra ROM
- PMP Light ROM
How to install custom rom on Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562:
- If you haven’t already, root and install clockworkmod recovery on your Galaxy S Duos.
- Copy the file(s) you downloaded from the downloads section above to your phone. Paste them outside any folder i.e. in the root directory of your storage.
- Switch off your phone.
- Boot into clockworkmod recovery by pressing (and holding) Volume Up, Volume Down, Home and Power button till you boot into recovery.
- Using Volume up and Down to navigate and power to select, select Wipe data/factory reset. Then go to Advanced and select Wipe Dalvik Cache.
- Finally, select Install zip from sdcard and locate the rom file you want to flash.
- Once the installation completes, select Reboot system now.
Here's how your phone can look after installing any of these three roms!
Do leave feedback about any of these custom rom you install on your Galaxy S Duos. If you face any installation prblem with any of these ROMs, drop a comment and we shall try to help you out.
Only one word of caution for this guide, don’t try these custom roms on any device except Samsung Galaxy S Duos GT S7562.
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