There are situations under which you won’t want that sweet click sound of your phone’s camera app to play. Be it when you want to snap a picture while sitting in library or want to capture someone without him/her being aware of it, the last thing you would want to hear will be your camera’s shutter sound.
Keeping your phone on silence mode is a temporary solution, but if you have minimalistic innards, you would prefer to have that sound gone forever. Doing that is pretty easy though, once you know the location of the culprit file that plays every time you click your shutter. I have tested the location on Android 2.2 devices to Android 4.2 devices and found it to be the same regardless of the Android version.
The only requirement to follow this guide is that your Android device should be a rooted
Help one.
How to Silence Camera Sound forever on an Android Device:
- If you don’t already have one, download any file manager from the internet with root file management capabilities. Our favorite is ES File Explorer.
- Open the file manager you just downloaded. Get to the root of your phone’s memory i.e. /. Depending on the file manager you are using, there can be different ways to get there.
- Once in / directory, go to system and then Media. In the Media folder, find the subdirectory named Audio and finally enter the ui folder. To summarise it, go to /system/media/audio/ui folder.
- In the ui folder, find the file named camera_click.ogg and rename it to camera_click.ogg.bak
If you want to disable the sound that plays when you adjust focus on your camera, rename the camera_focus.ogg sound to camera_focus.ogg.bak
Note: Alternately, you can delete this file also but doing that will make the change irreversible. - If you ever need/want to enable your Camera sound, just remove the .bak from the name of the file.
Camera_click.ogg in Android 4.1 |
camera_click.ogg in Android 2.2 |
camera_click.ogg renamed |
I bet this is one of the easiest guides I have ever wrote, but that doesn’t effect its usefulness, does it? A note of caution, I read somewhere that silencing your Camera sound is illegal in some countries. If that be the case, Droidiser can’t be held responsible for guiding you to do such a heinous crime.
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