HTC's Robert Downey Jr. full length commercial goes live, Here's To Change is nothing

As promised, HTC has posted the full length commercial of HTC's Change on its YouTube channel. The commercial is 2:03 minutes long, featuring Robert Downey Jr. and some play off the HTC acronym. We are still confused with the commercial, and don't know what exactly Here's to Change mean.


The video starts with Downey Jr. coming through his chopper to HTC's headquarters and then opening the mysterious briefcase, were Downey says, "Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran", which actually reads out to be the full-form of HTC. The video contains many HTC acronyms like, "Hipster Troll Carwash," "Hot Tea Catapult," "Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran," "Hold This Cat" and end with "Happy Telephone Company."

Watch the full video and share your views about this HTC's Change commercial in the comment form below.

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