HTC Butterfly & One X Next Software Update to bring HTC Sense 5.0 with Blinkfeed & HTC Zoe

Good News for HTC Butterfly and HTC One X owners, HTC will be adding some new features of HTC One on Butterfly and One X in their next software update. HTC North Asia chief Jack Tong has revealed that his company plans to push a software update to HTC Butterfly by May-end to bring the new Sense 5.0 interface.

HTC Blinkfeed

Whereas, Developer LlabTooFeR tweeted that, HTC One X should get updated to Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean in the near future and bring some new features like the Zoe camera and the Blinkfeed.

HTC Sense 5.0 was introduced with HTC One. It is the newest Interface from HTC. HTC Sense 5.0 brings several new features, like HTC Blinkfeed, HTC Zoe and more. 

HTC One XHTC Butterfly

According to FocusTaiwanTong has confirmed that both Blinkfeed and Zoe will be coming to Butterfly, but features like Sense TV, which are hardware dependent will not be added in this Software update.

Whereas, it is not confirmed that whether HTC One X will get the highlight reels in the gallery and other software features of the One or not.

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