Chrome users who use Chrome on the go with their Android devices have been asking for extension support since long times. Looks like Chrome Developer Team has been listening to these requests and is working on bringing extension support to the Android version of the popular browser.
On what basis I am saying all this, you might ask. Well, this isn't an insider news, but I landed upon it somehow. Digging around the various chrome urls listed at chrome://urls, I found an interesting thing at chrome://flags. There was an option waiting to be enabled which was meant to enable extensions even on chrome://URLs web pages i.e. on all the pages that are listed at chrome://chrome-urls. Obviously, as there is no extension available for Android yet, there isn't any way to confirm that the option actually works or not.
This isn't a sure shot way to confirm whether there is anything like this coming for Android but the fact that this option is not available on mainstream Chrome version, but only on Chrome Beta, a playground where all new experiments are tested, adds some credibility to our belief. Also, all those options which are not meant for Android OS, or are not yet available there, are present with a Sorry! Blah Blah Blah message.
Like you, I too hope that this is true, so that I shall be able to use all my favorite extensions on my favorite web browser even when I am on the move with my awesome Android devices! If you want to check this out yourself, here is the latest version of Chrome Beta. What do you say? Isn't it time that Chrome brings support for extensions, just like Firefox and Dolphin Browser does? Voice your opinions in the comments section below.
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